Jack and family have now been in California for just over 8 months. This is the longest Jack’s wee brother, 4–year–old Noah has gone without needing to go to the hospital with breathing problems. Last weekend we had our first experience of an American ER.
Noah had managed to pick up Pneumonia and by Saturday 3am, his breathing deteriorated to the point where Dad rushed him to our local hospital.

Thankfully after good care and quick medicine, Noah is on the mend and out of hospital now. But at the time, like it is EVERYTIME he needs to go to hospital, it can be very scary.
As Noah was recovering after his medicine and treatment, he was super–bored as there was literally nothing to do in the ER for kids.
He did watch the Policeman in the next room looking after a handcuffed prisoner and the lady over the corridor asking for beer instead of medicine.
Noah asked over and over for some books, crayons or toys.
After a while even my iPhone proved boring and he asked to go to the other hospital with the toys!

You can see by our own real–life example how important dedicated kids hospitals are. Especially Edinburgh’s finest — the Royal Hospital for Sick Children.
The work that they do, with the support of Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity (previously The Sick Kids Friends Foundation) is vital to the recovery of many children (and their families).
We have received SO MANY messages from former Sick Kids patients, now grown–ups themselves, who have heard about Jack and want to say THANK YOU for his fundraising, and mentioning the help the Sick Kids gave them when they were younger.
Without the Sick Kids, a lot of grown–ups would not be with us today.
If you can spare a couple of quid, Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity (previously The Sick Kids Friends Foundation) can put it to really good use, helping Sick Kids and their families.
You can donate anytime on Jack’s JustGiving page and we would all really appreciate it.
Sick Kids, we miss you!