Window cleaner cleaning a window for David Pickering

Jack used coloured paper, scissors and glue to make this one. Chose all the colours himself and did all the drawing / cutting out & gluing. He then drew on the eyes and smiley mouth. He hopes you like it!
A lovely request from Laura that Jack had no problem wanting to do. Once he heard Laura’s wee story he tried his absolute hardest.
My name is Laura and once upon a time I, too, had a little boy named Jack. He became very sick just after he was born and was treated by The Sick Kids Hospital here in Toronto. He is an angel now. I was hoping maybe you could draw a picture of Dumbo the elephant with a rainbow as it holds a very special place in our hearts for our little Jack.
Jack says, I hope the picture doesn’t make you sadder but makes you a little bit happier.
Apologies to Iain and Marion, I only nipped out the room for a second, when I returned Jack was sniggering as he added the cow poo in. We had been on holiday for a few days and Jack had seen lots of (pooing) cows. Sorry, hopefully you can still love this picture, despite the poo.