Two robots, a boy & a girl (WALL·E & EVE) for Jemma Llewellyn

Lesley’s simple request was greeted with Jack’s simple but effective idea. After recently discovering watercolours he decided to do a blue wash for the sky and then a big yellow Jack handprint (yellow is Jack’s favourite colour) for the sun. Simples.
Katie’s request:
My name is Katie and I run a little business at home making Cake Pops. Cake Pops are like Lollipops, only made out of cake I was wondering if you could please draw me a picture of your dream Cake Pop?
Jack imagined a Hedgehog Cake pop made, the prickles made of chocolate.
On Tuesday 6 September 2011 it will be exactly 1 month (30 days) until the launch of Jack Henderson’s first ever book–Jack Draws Anything. We are all very excited here at Team Hendo HQ, and we have decided to have a little bit of fun.
At 1pm (Scotland time) on Tuesday 6 September 2011, Jack will be releasing (with the help of his Mum & Dad of course) the first of 24 drawings. Each hour, for a whole day, a new Jack drawing will appear on the Jack Draws Anything website, Jack’s Facebook and Jack’s Twitter.
The last one will appear on Wednesday 7 September 2011 at 12pm (Scotland time).
We would love EVERYONE to join in the fun:
We want as many people to know about six–year–old Jack’s fundraising for the The Royal Hospital for Sick Children (the hospital that cares for his baby brother Noah).
Jack (6) & his brothers, Toby (3) and Noah (2) are doing their bit, 24 pictures in 24 hours, can you do yours? Team Hendo has raised almost £30,000 for the Sick Kids Friends Foundation, Jack’s original target of ONE MILLION POUNDS could still happen, your never know! Thank you so much.