Message from Jack’s Mum & Dad
It has been a long time since our 6–year–old Jack finished his massive drawing effort of 536 pictures, published his book in the UK, Brazil & Korea and raised over £64,000 ($100,000) for the Scottish hospital that treated his brother.
He has since moved to California, won a Pride of Britain Award and even managed to draw a few more pictures but the last few months have seen Jack busy with school, life and growing–up.
Mum, Dad, Jack, Toby & Noah all feel now is a good time to bring Jack’s fundraising website, drawings and project — Jack Draws Anything, to a definitive endpoint.
As parents, we have done our best to explain to the boys that it is perfectly natural for things in life to have a beginning, a middle and an ending. We all agree now that Jack Draws Anything has run its course.
We are all absolutely happy to move on, look back with fond memories and look forward to the future.
We will of course leave this website turned on for as long as we possibly can so that others can enjoy Jack’s drawings, story and photographs.
If anyone would still like to contact us, we are more than happy to answer questions as best we can.
Last Word from Jack
Hi, I’m Jack from Jack Draws Anything.
My website and drawings are all finished now. Thank you to everyone who helped and donated. My Mum & Dad is going to leave the website turned on so you can still see all the cool stuff. We raised LOTS of money for the Sick Kids. See you soon!