Mexican man, with a BIG moustache and a green sombrero for Stevie & Colette

Tonight was a special little milestone as Jack completed picture #270. The reason this is so special is because it means Jack is now closer to the end than the start. He is over HALFWAY!
270 pictures in 92 days (or 3 months exactly) means his estimated time of finishing is now 19 September (his Mummy’s birthday).
After Dad explained this to Jack tonight, Jack demonstrated this point to us by explaining Daddy, its the same as taking all the pictures I’ve done already and putting them in the bin, then drawing different pictures and replacing them. Sounds good to me Jack.
Just think, if we had double the Jack’s we would be finished by now. Donations are still very much welcome over at JustGiving. Thank you. Finished.
(This post was written by Jack & Dad and the picture was Jack’s idea)
Jack’s interpretation of pirate eating ice cream is probably not what Rhona intended. However, we believe it fulfills the brief, in fact we think it is even better. Hopefully you do too?
PS–Jack wanted to me to tell you that the ice cream flavour is Strawberry and that the Mummy Ice Cream is very mad with the naughty pirate for eating her baby.
Another picture, another learning opportunity (for Dad & Jack). Audrey had originally asked for some fish but kindly (thank you) switched her request to something a little different since she learned Jack had drawn LOTS of fish already. She asked for a Bald Uakari. Now, just in case you don’t know what one of these is, I have included a picture of one below. Jack was pleased to hear that these monkeys live in Brazil! One of his favourite places he wants to visit.
It is been a while since we did a thank you post. Not because we are big meanies but because we have all be busy busy busy. We do try to say thank you and/or reply to every single Facebook message, tweet, email, text, letter but sometimes we do miss one out. Don't take it personally.
We also try to (publicly) say thank you to all the kind gifts of art supplies, donations and other stuff that has come along these last few months. So to (hopefully) catch up and rebalance the karma of the Universe, THANK YOU to the following people (in no particular order):
Thank you so much guys, I am sorry we don’t have time to write everyone of you back but hopefully you will see this post and/or get an email from us (where possible). If we have missed you out, its nothing personal, please ping us an email and we can put it right.
Jack, Mum & Dad