Noah’s Ark for Russ and Hazel Morphew

One of Jack’s most specific briefs so far but we think he has ticked all the boxes. Amanda was looking for the following:
Could Jack draw my niece dancing with Peppa Pig? Her name is Grace she is 4 in September, she is tall and slim for her age and has pale skin, dark brown hair and eyes. She loves custard cream biscuits and is half Scottish and half Chinese. She likes wearing jeans and t shirts and her purple baseball boots.
Jen asked:
I’d love to see how you would draw a picture of ‘Happiness’. It’s what I studied in my Masters, and your pictures make people very happy too so I think it would be great.
Quite a big concept for wee Jack but what he has drawn is his family tree all as smiley faces, Jack really hopes you like it.
Gail asked for YOUR favourite thing to which Jack’s reply was his usual hedgehogs!. I suggested a little variation on his usual hedgehog at which point Mummy piped up with the news that today was Sonic the Hedgehog’s 20th Birthday.
Sonic is a game Jack likes to play and after a long discussion about how a character could have a birthday when they were not alive or born he settled on Sonic.