A few weeks back, Jack received a nice email from another Jack (lets call him Other Jack to save confusion), one with a very interesting name!
My name is Jack Henderson Graham and I am 7 years old. I live with my mum dad and my big brother and sister in a little village in central Scotland called Muckhart.
I am in primary 3 at Dollar Academy and our teacher Mrs Letford has asked us all to give our classmates a talk about an artist and mine is on 15 March. My mum told me about the pictures you did to raise money for the hospital your little brothers went to. I would really love to tell my friends all about you and was wondering if you could tell me some interesting things about yourself. I was also wondering if you had time if you could please draw a picture for my project that I could raffle or auction for the Sick Kids hospital when I have finished my project.
So Jack answered all of the questions posed to him by Other Jack and he has finally gotten round to doing your drawing. Jack hopes you like it and he was feeling a little bit naughty so he drew other Other Jack on the roof!

For reference, here is a picture of Dollar Academy.