Toby the steam tram for Leo

Sarah and Steve asked Jack for a steam train. Jack really wanted to do the train from his favourite video–Breakthru by Queen. The train is called The Miracle Express. He asks you all to check it out as it is really cool.
The cards are sold every year by Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity (previously The Sick Kids Friends Foundation) to raise funds for the The Royal Hospital for Sick Children and Jack is honoured to have been asked. He did however find it very strange to be drawing a Christmas themed picture while wearing his shorts and eating an ice lolly. Jack also had a little bit of help from his brothers Toby & Noah.
The Christmas Cards will be available to purchase at the end of August when they are printed and ready for distribution. They will be available in Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity (previously The Sick Kids Friends Foundation) shop and website.
Jack dropped off the artwork last week with Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity (previously The Sick Kids Friends Foundation) Chief Executive Maureen Harrison:
We are thrilled that Jack has agreed to draw a card for us this year. I had a sneak preview when Jack brought it in to me last week and it’s just lovely. A very special early Christmas present for Sick Kids!
Jack has decided to keep his picture a secret until they are ready to buy in a few weeks.
We hope you can switch your Christmas cards this year to help Jack and the Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity (previously The Sick Kids Friends Foundation).
Rebecca asked for a tiger on a train. Jack’s little brother Toby recently got a tiger mask and he loves it. Jack had the idea to use Toby as the tiger and we suggested that if Jack took a picture of him (which he did), Dad could print it out and we could cut round it and stick it into the picture. The carriages are made from a Broons comic that Jack cut up and he used stickers for the wheels.
Jack blurred this train a lot because it is going super fast.