A gigantic HELLO to everyone who has supported, donated, shared, retweeted, spread the word about this website.
Ed here, no longer known by my own name, I am now simply–Jack’s Dad.
I can't believe that it has only been 3 days since we put Jack’s website live on the Internet (Monday 21 March 2011, 10am). No one could have expected the level of response that his site has generated. Our initial guess was that we might get a couple of quid from family and friends and have a bit of fun. Rose (Jack’s Mummy) and I, did not expect what has happened the last 3 days.
So far Jack has completed 16 pictures in 4 days (which is amazing for a wee 6 year old who goes to school and bed around 8pm).
We have been absolutely inundated with donations and request and right now he has a queue of 82 items to draw.
Because of this, please bear with us, we will get every single one drawn and try to reply to every single email and message we have received.
If you don’t hear back, don’t be mad, we are just a typical Mum & Dad with 3 kids to look after and a full time job / small business to run.
The website has seen an amazing amount of unique visitors, here is what I have gleamed so far from Google Analytics:
- Monday = 407 unique visitors
- Tuesday = 1,540 unique visitors
- Wednesday = 1,635 unique visitors
Some press articles so far
- Brilliantly drawn boy (Edinburgh Evening News)
- A big draw for his sick brother (East Lothian Courier)
- Look what Jack drew for us! (tictoc family)
- We have an STV news crew coming to the house tomorrow to film us and we should be on the 6 o'clock news tomorrow (Friday) evening.
- Jack and I will be on The Hour (STV chat show, 5pm) on Friday 8 April–LIVE
- The Big Issue want to do an article (should be in next week)
- There should be an article on the STV news website tomorrow (Friday)
- Jack is designing someone’s business cards
- Jack has been asked to design a cake
- Jack has been comissioned to an illustration by the ESPC for their upcoming magazine
Apart from that, who knows what tomorrow will bring. More emails and donations hopefully.
- The initial target of £100 was smashed after only a few hours on Monday.
- We decided to up that to £500 on Tuesday which was then broken late Tuesday night.
- We then upped it to £1000 today, Thursday and that was broken at teatime.
- I’ll be honest, we don’t know what to do now, Jack’s initial estimate of one million pounds doesn’t seem so daft now!