Doctor Who (Tenth Doctor aka David Tennant) being chased by a dinosaur (it’s actually eating his coat) for Dave Woodley

Jack came along with Mummy today to visit Noah (and Daddy) in the Sick Kids. Jack’s job was tire Noah out so that he would have a nap, not need oxygen and allow us to bring him home. Job done Jack, great stuff.
He also brought his pens and did a drawing while he was in the Isolation Room. The lucky person who requested #103 (still to be scanned and posted) is in for a double treat. Not only will they get their request done, it would have been actually drawn within the Sick Kids itself.
Thanks again for all the support and kind words these last few days. Friends, family (thanks to Grandma and Grandad for watching the well kids) and you guys out there are immense.
Just a wee quick post to say that Noah is home. I wouldn't say he is well, but he was well enough to get out the Sick Kids and home to his own toys and own bed. He is still on additional meds and still coughing and spluttering but hopefully his own bed and some home cooked meals and he will be on the road to recovery.
The first thing he did when got home was play on the trampoline and ask for some Easter Eggs!
Big big thank you to all the messages of goodwill and support we have had over the last 2 days, it has been incredible, so from Rose and I–THANK YOU.
Also, thank you to my work who hopefully aren't too annoyed at me running out at 8:30am on Tuesday to rush up to the Hospital, sorry and thanks guys.
Big thank you also to all the staff at the Sick Kids who looked after us so well and ensured Noah was dealt with in the quickest and nicest way possible. Hopefully not see you soon!
A much improved two steps forward Noah yesterday daytime was unfortunately replaced by one step back Noah overnight.
Despite not needing oxygen since mid morning yesterday, he definitely needed it last night as without it, his stats began to creep lower.
On the plus side, he has managed to only need his inhaler 4 hourly (box 1 ticked) but until he can sleep without oxygen we are staying put.
In the meantime we have a more or less back to normal daytime enegy filled Noah trapped in an isolation room till his nighttime equivalent catches up.
Fingers crossed, later today or tomorrow.
He is much improved. Had oxygen, steroids, nebulisers x 4, blood taken, snot removed from nose/throat. Being moved to the Ward after a chest x-ray. Insisting on wearing his wellies but only one fits as canular needle in foot. Managed a Jelly Tot.