In October this year, Jack and his family (Ed, Rose, Toby and Noah) will be moving across the Atlantic to San Francisco, California.
Jack’s Dad has managed to secure himself a job with a web based company called POPSUGAR in the USA.
The whole family is very excited about the move; sunshine, Disney, Legoland, Universal, long school holidays and the promise of living near Katy Perry are all high on Jack’s wishlist.
He is of course sad to leave his homeland, his family and friends but is very happy to be going to a new country to start a new life. The good weather might improve little Noah’s health as well!
To celebrate his family’s upcoming move from Scotland to California, Jack has drawn a picture of what is arguably San Francisco’s most iconic landmark with his favourite pastels.

What does this mean for Jack Draws Anything? Who knows? Jack will continue to draw and try to raise funds for charity but one thing’s for sure, we will all miss Scotland.