Union Jack for Jonathan Howard

Huge thank you to Wanni (from Honolulu, Hawaii) for this wonderful drawing he sent us. You can see it on his website at http://wanni.posterous.com/jh-th-nh, check his other stuff out, he really is a talented dude. It really is great and Toby LOVES the dinosaur head. THANK YOU!
Tonight, Wednesday 25 May 2011 at around 8pm (Scotland time), Jack will update the status on his Jack Draws Anything Facebook page and everyone interested in requesting a picture may submit an idea for 1 hour. Today Jack Draws Anything reached 4000 Facebook fans and as our way of celebrating we are going to offer 1 picture request (and 1 only) up to a lucky fan. Because the initial picture request time frame was only 2 weeks, a lot of folk didn’t get the chance.
To do this, please reply to Jack’s status update TONIGHT at 8pm, not this one. At 9pm we will stop taking suggestions.
Over the next few days Jack will choose his one favourite, then it will be drawn, scanned and put on the website. Simple. Any questions, please ask us.