Here at Team Hendo HQ have 5 copies of Jack’s upcoming book–Jack Draws Anything (released 6 October) which are SIGNED by Jack himself, up for grabs.
To win a copy all we would like you to do is SHARE Jack Draws Anything with your friends, family, contacts, strangers, work colleagues, folk on the train, whoever. We want you to share what he’s up to, what he’s all about, his book, his cause. Whatever.
You may use any (legal) means you wish to do this, social networks, email, word of mouth, post-it-notes, graffiti, video, tattoo's, billboards, anything.
All we ask is that you show us, tell us, send us a picture, let us know what you did and how you did it, you can email us on me@jackdrawsanything.com. The funniest/best/coolest entries (as judged by Jack cause he is watching) will win.
You have until Monday evening at 9pm so get cracking and good luck.