On Friday I went on a trip to Glasgow because I was going to go on The Hour. I had to get 2 trains and 1 taxi to get there as it is very far away.

I got to have a go at the driver bits on the train, I got to do the whistle and it went hoooonnnnnkkkk hhooonnnnkkkk. This was before the train went from the station.

The train was fun, I drew a Ninja fighting a pirate, the pirates ear got cut off. Daddy will put it on the website soon.
When I got to Glasgow my Daddy and me got a taxi and I took a picture out of the window of a pretty building.

When we got to STV, there were lots of things to take pictures of. I took a picture of a BIG green crane for Toby.

Daddy let me stand on the big S, it was fun and I was trying to play leapfrog over them but my Daddy told me to stop.

We went into the building and I met some people who were very nice and gave me a snack–they gave me crisps, haribo, 2 big cakes and some Diet Coke. It was yummy. Then I went up to look in the room and I got a shot of the big news desk, I was reading out the weather and I said it was going to be Jack today!

We went back into the waiting bit where I got to sign a big desk with lots of other famous people.

I got to write beside the Krankies!

I saw the Krankies at Christmas when we went to see John Barrowman in Aladdin, they were very silly and funny, I like them as Jimmy Krankie was hitting John Barrowman on the head and making me laugh.
My Daddy got make up on, he looked very silly only Mummy’s put make up on!

The lady was pretending to put make-up on me, but she actually put some on me.

When I was on The Hour it was funny. I liked looking at myself on the TV and I drew super quick. They gave me lots and lots of nice pens and paint, it was really nice.

Daddy’s view of Jack

Jack’s view
At the end I got my picture taken with Steven and Michelle. I liked every single one of them the best as they were so nice to me and instead of putting their money from their lunch in their pocket, they put it in a big box for me to take back to the Sick Kids Friends Foundation and helped me raise more than £11,000 which is very nice. I am still trying to raise MORE MONEY so please donate if you can.

We had to leave and say goodbye, I was sad to go. We had to get our train.

The big "S" outside The Hour
(Mum & Dad say–thank you for how wonderful everyone at STV was, their donation and to Artstore who supplied the art supplies for Jack and his brothers).