Welcome to my website. I am was drawing ANYTHING to raise funds for the Sick Kids Hospital in Edinburgh, just ask me. My little brother Toby and my wee brother Noah used to go in a lot. My name is Jack and I am 6 (now 20) years old.
Over the next few weeks we will putting up all 536 of Jack’s amazing pictures onto his Facebook page. We would love it if you could go through, liking ALL of your favourites (you can like as many as you want) and at the end of the allotted time, the ONE with the most likes will go through to the BIG FINAL. We will have 5 heats:
Volume 1 (001-107)–107 pics–Wednesday 16 November 9pm–Sunday 20 November 9pm
Volume 2 (108-214)–107 pics–Monday 21 November 9pm–Friday 25 November 9pm
Volume 3 (215-321)–107 pics–Saturday 26 November 9pm–Wednesday 30 November 9pm
Volume 4 (322-428)–107 pics–Thursday 1 December 9pm–Monday 5 December 9pm
Volume 5 (429-536)–108 pics–Tuesday 6 December 9pm–Sunday 11 December 9pm
The BIG FINAL will be Monday 12 December–Friday 16 December. All you have to do is look at pictures and like the ones you LIKE, we will do the sums. Thanks so much and we hope you enjoy this as much as we will. Jack is so curious to find out which one is the world’s favourite.
Jack Henderson has finished all 536 pictures in 231 days. He has raised £32,000 for the Sick Kids in Edinburgh. Jack is 6. Here are all 536 of his pictures–Jack Draws Anything’s pictures of EVERYTHING
Earlier this month, Jack’s Dad–Ed Henderson spoke at Be Good Be Social in Edinburgh. Be Good Be Social brings together third sector professionals interested in social media for social good. The events are a chance to learn, debate and connect with others working for non-profits, charities and social enterprises.
Ed told the story of Jack Draws Anything and passed on some funny moments, lessons learned and things to watch out for. Video, slides and photos below.
In the past 231 days, the Prestonpans six–year–old has drawn 536 pictures, using 314 pens, 162 crayons and 96 pencils on 2144 sheets of paper.
Jack wanted to raise money for the hospital his youngest brother Noah attends with breathing problems. Since the project began, Noah has been admitted to hospital twice.
Jack has appeared on national television, gained celebrity support from the likes of actor David Tennant, the Eurythmics Dave Stewart who he drew an album cover copy for, The Wiggles and Queen’s Brian May.
Jack’s family, mum Rose, dad Ed and brothers Noah and Toby, have all been involved in the whirlwind, helping bring 222 cups of juice, 133 biscuits and 103 apples while the drawing is happening.
Jack said:
“I am really happy about getting to the end. I feel a little bit shy from all the pictures and the interviews. I hope you have all enjoyed my drawings, I have raised lots of money for the Sick Kids but if you still want to donate, I would be really happy. Just go to jackdrawsanything.com. Bye bye. Finished.”
Jack has spent a tenth of his young life on the project and a total of 268 hours drawing the requests.
Jack’s Dad Ed said:
“Jack has been amazing. Even when he was feeling unwell he kept going and got through his pictures. He is a typical 6 year old but underneath those freckles he is a superstar. We are so proud of him for all he has done and how he so maturely handles himself in the grownup situations he has found himself these last few months. Thank you to everyone who has supported us these last 8 months and we are looking forward to some free time in the evenings again!”
The website has had over 400,000 visits from 163 countries, with six million views of the Facebook page and over 6000 fans. He has appeared in the press in Brazil and Taiwan and dad Ed has tweeted over 3000 times to almost 900 followers.
Jack will now spend the Winter hibernating, just like his favourite animal, the hedgehog.
Maureen Harrison, chief executive of the Sick Kids Friends Foundation, said:
“Jack’s achievement in completing 500 amazing drawings to raise funds to help make time in hospital better for sick children and their families is truly amazing. He has spent many hours interpreting the requests people sent in — all of them highly imaginative — and producing incredibly detailed pictures which have clearly delighted the recipients.”
Further Information
For further information, please contact Rose & Ed Henderson (Jack’s Mum & Dad), me@jackdrawsanything.com