Jack (and Toby and Noah and Mum and Dad a little bit) are all super excited as this Saturday sees the return of Doctor Who after his Summer holidays.
Jack wanted to share his top 6 Doctor Who pictures that he has drawn (so far). He has drawn more these past few months but these are his favourites and he was unable to whittle it down to 5 or even 3. Sorry if yours didn’t make it.
6. Husband David dressed as Dr Who for Natalie Lees

5. The Silence (Doctor Who alien monster) for me (Jack Henderson)

4. Supreme Dalek for Bryan Wade

3. Doctor Who’s TARDIS for Louise Dryburgh

2. Weeping Angels (from Doctor Who) playing catch with the Sun for Janet King

1. Doctor Who (Tenth Doctor aka David Tennant) being chased by a dinosaur (it’s actually eating his coat) for Dave Woodley