Jack would like to declare his new website officially OPEN!

Return of the Jack
After three months of hard work and late nights, Jack and his Dad have (just in time) been able to launch the second version of Jack’s website. It is still available at the same address — jackdrawsanything.com.
The boys managed to transplant most of the old website, over to its new home before the 30 April deadline. The old website ran on blogging platform Posterous (it was recently bought out by Twitter and closed down).
Jack & Dad had to move over 800+ pages of content, 2000 images and rewrite lots of stuff. They also had to come up with a whole new website design (as the original template was no longer available).
Sticking closely to the original website style, Jack and Dad incorporated more of Jack’s drawings into the new theme and hopefully made it a bit more fun, with more of Jack’s personality shining through.
All of the parts of the site were hand–drawn by Jack and incorporated by web developer Dad Ed.
The site should be a little faster, easier to maintain AND work a lot better on mobile/smaller devices.
There are still a few loose ends to tidy up so if you find any issues at all, please let us know.
Thank You

Jack and his Dad would like to say a big THANK YOU to all the folks who helped test the new website before the launch (in no particular order):
- Dean O’Dinosaur
- Iain “Mosh” Purdie
- Gavin Elliott
- Paul James
- Lynne Fettes
- Liz Howard
- Melanie Russell
- Lesley Smith
- Lucy Wilde
- Kat Pollitt
- Sally French
- Natasha Kemp
- Peter Williams
- Rose Henderson
- Toby Henderson
- Noah Henderson
- Joy Fraser
- Jackie Chapman
- Ailsa Wylie
- Debbie Saunderson
- Jane Dobson
- Vic & Max Rickis
- Simon Beckett
- Will Scurrell
- Carys Wheeler
- Martin Drinkwater
- Jo Flaherty
- Susie Elins
- Claire Holbrook
- Kevin Feely
- Anne Willicombe
- Lynne Fettes
- Mark Hodgson
- Jennie Atkinson
- Lynne Fettes
- Aidan Convery
- Gavin McLaughlin
- Chloe Gilder
- Lisa Walch
- Rowena Coulthard
- Lee Tennant
- Victoria Young
- Mark Rogers & SortSite – Web Site Testing Tool
- Haggistech
- exiledred
- Elizabeth Tassell
- Claire Cornwall
- Laura Jones
- Claire Wilcock
- Jamie Graham
- Sue Jones
- Fiona Bullen
- Derek Wilkie
- Kerensa Smith
- George Starkey
- Laird Orion Osiris of Glencairn
- Kat Moss
- Michelle Muirhead
We really appreciate the help and we hope EVERYONE likes the new site.