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Two Ood (Doctor Who aliens) in a kayak going different ways using their spheres as paddles for Debbie Happell of KAYAK

Two Ood (Doctor Who aliens) in a kayak going different ways using their spheres as paddles for Debbie Happell of KAYAK

Debbie’s original brief for Jack was:

The name of my company is Kayak–which is a word reads the same forwards as it does backwards. Can you draw 'something that looks the same forwards as it does backwards'? A bit of a challenge there!

Once I explained what a kayak was and while an "apple" can go forwards and backwards (Jack demonstrated by rolling one along the ground), it probably wasn't the kind of backwards and forwards that Debbie was looking for was.

He decided to draw exactly what you see above, two Ood, these are aliens in Doctor Who. Enjoy.

  • backwards
  • blue
  • doctor who
  • forwards
  • kayak
  • ood
  • skydiving
  • water