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Me flying through space in a rocket ship with stars and planets for Steve Wilson

Me flying through space in a rocket ship with stars and planets for Steve Wilson

Jack and I had great fun doing this one. We looked up all the planets in our Solar System, learnt their names and Jack drew them all. He was sad when I explained to him about the scientists reclassifying Pluto as a dwarf planet and it was no longer a planet. Jack asked how they managed to move it and could he visit.

Jack then draw a space rocket and a big Sun. Finally he got his Crayola Metallic Markers out and did all the stars.

Dad Disclaimer–I helped him to cut out & glue but all the drawing is done by him.

  • 183
  • earth
  • jupiter
  • mars
  • mercury
  • neptune
  • planets
  • rocket
  • saturn
  • space
  • sun
  • uranus
  • venus