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Jack on front cover of ESPC

Finally managed to get a physical paper copy of the ESPC today. For those that don’t know what that is, it is the main place in Edinburgh and the Lothians (region of Scotland) to buy and sell your house. I think there are 100,000 copies printed each week.

Here is Jack’s picture of House with a For Sale sign at the front on the FRONT cover. Inside is a wee story, a photo and the yellow lightbulb.

When I picked it up in the shop I wanted to hold it up in the air and shout–"hey, my kid drew this!", but then I wanted not to be the mad old man shouting at strangers just a little bit more.

Jack on front cover of ESPC

Big thanks to the guys at the ESPC for their kindness and faith. THANKS!

(Jack’s Dad)

  • espc
  • frontcover